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Equestrian Night Shows

The Salon du Cheval d’El Jadida 2024 promises an extraordinary confluence of art and harmony, offering an exquisite showcase of equestrian mastery. This year, two exclusive soirées—on Friday, October 4th, and Saturday, October 5th—shall unfold under the stars, beginning at 9:00 PM.

“Temptation” by Cavalflip, featuring Marie Barcelo and Pierre Antoine Chastang, invites the audience into an ethereal realm where horse and human are suspended in mid-air, crafting a transcendent performance that seems to defy the bounds of time itself.

“Vaulting” by Cavalflip brings the audience face-to-face with the pure adrenaline of equestrian acrobatics. The elegant confluence of horses, riders, and speed culminates in a dazzling display of precision and daring.

“Liberty” by Miron Boccoci, a celebrated Romanian equestrian artist, presents a ballet of grace and freedom. His profound connection with his horses manifests in a performance of unparalleled fluidity and harmony.

“Fuego” by Clémence Faivre is a stunning choreography of horse, rider, and dancer, where their movements, intertwined in perfect synchrony, evoke the burning passion of a fiery ballet.

“Haute École, Doma Vaquera, and Garrochas” by Alma Vaquera, under the direction of Denis Marques, offers an authentic voyage into the heart of Andalusian tradition, where the flames of garrochas, the finesse of Haute École, and the art of Doma Vaquera unfold before the audience’s eyes.

“La Camargue au Féminin” by Art Equestres et Traditions, featuring Mélanie Bayle, renders homage to the women riders of the Camargue and their emblematic white horses, displaying their beauty and strength with elegance and poise.Finally,

“Carousel” by the Royal Cavalry School serves as a crowning moment, embodying the rich heritage and timeless excellence of Moroccan equestrian tradition in a majestic performance.

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Morocco Royal Tour de saut d'obstacles: Adrian Schmid remporte le Grand Prix SM le Roi Mohammed VI
The 15th edition of Salon du Cheval d'El Jadida

Why exhibit ?

The Horse Show in El Jadida is a prestigious event bringing together, in a small space and for a limited period of time, exhibitors and visitors, thus representing a privileged meeting place and exchange. Participating in the Show is an opportunity to prospect markets, to meet the competition, to attract new customers, to demonstrate know-how, in an atmosphere conducive to exchanges.

As the Show has an international audience, it allows small and medium-sized businesses in particular to consider international development at a reduced cost compared to other prospecting tools.

News from the show

-Study Day on the 2024 Edition Theme
-Renovated Exhibition Space
-Exceptional Equestrian Night shows  
-A Rich and Varied Program
-A category dedicated to Tbourida within the Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Photographic Award
-Registration this year of the International Arabian Horses Show ‘A’ as a Title Show for the 2025 edition

Show schedule

from 09h00 to 18h00

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